Are you thinking about studying abroad?


What can the cost be for higher studies in UK? Those who dig a bit deep into this matter have an idea of the costs.

The dreams of students going abroad for studies are often shattered due to the exorbitant costs of education. There is now hope at the end of the spectrum.

A student can fulfil his/her dream of studying abroad, though remaining in Bangladesh.

Some institutions in Bangladesh are now providing the opportunity to students to pursue their dream of getting a degree from abroad at cost of getting a degree from the local universities.

More than 14 institutions along with Bangladesh Institute of Management Studies (BIMS), BAC International, Bhuiyan Academy, British School of Law, Nottingham Law Academy, Daffodil Institute of IT, Cambridge Business and Law Academy, Chartered University College are providing this lucrative chance to the students of Bangladesh.

It takes approximately about Tk 600,000 to 800,000 to complete foreign university courses through these Bangladeshi institutions.

The certificates hold same weightage as the certificates students get from UK after completing their graduation in UK.

Besides, these students can also transfer credit to the UK campus after completing first or second year.

Most of these institutions function in in Bangladesh through associate institution of UK Edexcel education board and London University, which are facilitating students to earn their Honours degree in LLB discipline.

With LLB, BAC offers Business and Information Technology discipline. BAC is an exclusive institution in Bangladesh which offers Master’s degree from a reputed university in London.

Students can study BA (honors) in Business Administration, BA in Law, BSc in IT and LLM in Derby University through BAC International. Not only that, this institution offers the opportunity to study abroad in the UK after completing LLB and Diploma Law program from London University. BAC international offers FD (First Diploma), ND (National Diploma), HNC (Higher National Certificate) and HND (Higher National Diploma) courses of the famous education board Edexcel in UK about Business, IT and Law discipline.

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